Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Five Core Numbers in a Person's Life

To build a numerology chart, we essentially need two things: Full name of a person and his/her date of birth.

I will illustrate all the steps using a sample detail .

    Full Name :       Amit Verma
    Date Of Birth: 23 - May - 1980

The first and foremost thing to be calculated is the

I) Life Path Number :  Life path number is the most important number in a person's life. We all have a purpose in our lives, and this number indicates the challenges and oppurtunies one faces in this lifetime. This number may not indicate your talents and weaknesses,  but describes the mission of your life.  Your Life Path Number describes the path you are travelling on. It doesn't tell you so much about your talents, strengths or weaknesses, but rather indicates the general purpose of your life - your life's destiny.

To calculate the life path number of a person , add all the numbers in the date of birth

ie 2 + 3 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 = 28
which can be further reduced to 1. Hence amit has 1 as his life path number.  

2) Expression /Destiny Number:  Next in hierarchial importance is Expression/destiny Number. Each letter in a person's name represents a talent or specific trait, and all the letters collectively add a distinct talent in every person. This number represents the talent/capabilities a person has. Unlike the life path number which defines what you must achieve in this lifetime, this number denotes what you are.

To calculate the destiny number, add the vibrations of each letter in your full name .

In this example it is

A   M   I   T    V   E   R   M   A

1 + 4 + 1 + 4  + 6 + 5 + 2 + 4 + 1 = 27

Refer chart

3) Soul Urge/Heart'S Desire Number:
This number denotes your inner desires and yearnings which prove to be a strong motivational factor in all your actions. This number describes those traits that you prefer not showing to the world. Your Soul Urge Number shows your deep inner motivation and your heart's desire and you should make sure to apply this driving force wherever you can. For example, when you decide for a certain career, be sure that it allows you to express your soul urge.

To calculate this add the vibrations of all the vowels(a,e,i,o and u) in your full name.

Amit's Soul urge number is

A(1) + I(1) + E(1) + A(1) = 4

4) Personality Number:
This number shows the traits that you show to this world. The world makes an impression of you through this number.

To calculate this, add the vibrations of all the consonants present in  your name.

Amit's Personality Number:

M(4) + T(4) + V(6) + R(2) + M(4) = 20

5) Birthday Number:
Birth day number is the day of the month you are born in.
Amit's Birthday number is 23.
I will write about each birthday number in a later post.

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